5 raisons pour lesquelles votre Église doit privilégier les réseaux sociaux

5 reasons why your church should prioritize social media

Facebook Live, YouTube Live, Instagram etc., social networks have become a new channel of evangelism.
They offer so many advantages and possibilities that it would be unwise not to devote the time to them. They could be the secret weapon of struggling churches or a great tool to help you increase productivity.

Here are 5 reasons why your church should prioritize the use of social media:

  1. Reach the faithful via social networks

Over 46% of pastors say using social media is an effective way to raise awareness. Half of them see their audiences growing in a very short time.

Know this, there is no competition between social media and your website: with sponsored posts, you can make your ministry known to more people. These people can visit your website for more information.

2. You can strengthen relationships within the community

“On Facebook, the friends of my friends are my friends. Each member thus becomes a relay and prescriber of events and information within their network. "

Through the shares of your posts by members of your church, your content is pushed into the News Feeds of their friends and family. When you explain to your followers that their interaction with your Facebook page is a form of outreach, you are developing a strategy for sharing your message with people who may want to learn more.

  1. Facebook groups and events

Facebook is a network where people are connected almost every day.

Using Facebook groups for ministry or study groups is incredibly easy (and free), so you build a community! You can create a prayer group, a home group, Bible study group, Sunday school classes, or a culture and recreation group for people who enjoy gardening or hiking .

These groups can be private or public and you can also invite people who are outside the church.

It gives people interaction and another level of exposure to your church. It is a place of witness , everyone can share what is close to their heart, a place of listening and welcoming. 63% of young people admit having testified to their faith or having evangelized through the Internet.

Facebook event is also a great way to raise awareness about an upcoming event. You can invite anyone from the church, and they in turn can invite other people. All updates and important information can be communicated in the group and you can even promote your church events.

An event published on Facebook can have more impact than a poster or a flyer distribution campaign and can reach an audience that would not have been aware of it, in addition it is cheaper.

  1. People follow you from home!

People build huge networks and connections online and it becomes a valuable way to communicate. For example did you know that 35% of couples married between 2005 and 2012 met online? We should take advantage of all the tools at our disposal to reach people where they are .To do this, there may not be a tool as powerful as social networks Take the opportunity to upload your videos online.

  1. Your social accounts represent the dynamism of the church.

When people view your Facebook and you haven't posted in a while, it impacts your church's image. In order to have good visibility on your page it is essential (important) that you update it regularly.

OUR TIP: Better to have one or two platforms that you are good at than to be on all platforms and not know how to manage them.

Add your social media to your mobile app. If you already have an app for your church, you have an intuitive way to incorporate social media into your engagement strategy.

Nowadays, digital is now essential, for the Church to be influential, she must understand and know the challenges of digital and how to use it.

Source: https://ministrytech.com/social-media/5-reasons-church-must-prioritize-social-media/


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