smartphone, téléphone, chrétien, culte, réseaux sociaux

3 reasons to activate your smartphone's airplane mode during worship

Have you ever had this cult neighbor:

  • who films themselves worshiping?

  • who is replying to texts?

  • who is viewing Whatsapp status?

  • hanging out on Instagram or Facebook?

Or maybe you recognize yourself in this description?

If so, you might think this annoying habit has no place in worship service, whether online or face-to-face.

Indeed, smartphones can provide easy access to the Bible, but they can also be a source of distraction: we find ourselves tempted to check our emails, reply to texts or switch from an application. to another, when we were planning to use our cell phone to watch worship or write notes during a worship service.

Worship… A sacred time when the goal is to focus completely on God, wouldn't it be better if our phones were kept silent?

Here are 3 reasons to encourage you to activate your smartphone's airplane mode during worship.

1 era reason: Worship is a moment of intimacy.

For a majority of Christians, worship takes place in a building, surrounded by other Christians, with a pastor who preaches and a choir who sings.

However, a worship is above all, a moment of communion, of intimacy between the Creator and his creature: God and the man find themselves together in the same place, a holy and spiritual environment which requires the disposal of the 'to be whole.

Suppose you plan a one-on-one meal with the person you love and that person has their eyes glued to their phone during the meal, answers texts, half-listens to you, barely looks at you and nibbles on his plate.

How would you feel? What would you think?

intimité, alliance, téléphone, distraction, couple, chrétien, croyants, culte

This is how we treat God when in our times of worship, we neglect his presence in favor of the god "Iphone, Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram" ...

Putting your phone in airplane mode in the presence of God is to say to God: "I am here for you".

2 th reason: Worship is a holy time

Choosing to view pictures or videos, to read texts that could defile us in a time dedicated to God, such as worship, is a step towards infidelity and disobedience to God.

However, the Bible recommends us in 1 Peter 1: 15 , to be holy in all our behavior:

“On the contrary, since he who called you is holy, you too are holy in all your conduct. "

Using my smartphone during worship, is this behavior pleasing to God?

And if God decided to turn His back on me in His presence, what would be my reaction?

Let us glorify God by observing a righteous conduct in his presence and that it does not matter where, where our worship takes place.

culte, culte en ligne, communion, Dieu, chrétien, adoration, adorer

3 th reason: Worship is for God (and not for me)

Many go to a place of worship or log into a live service with the intention of having a time prepared for them.

Yet worship is a time prepared for God alone!

The pastor, the singers, the musicians and any other person who officiates during these times do not give a service but render a worship in which I must participate.

"I urge you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which will be reasonable worship on your part" Romans 12: 1

Reasonable worship is a sacrifice of the whole heart!

Choosing to make a story of my Sunday outfit, to check my professional mailbox, to answer text messages at such a time, is therefore not reasonable ...

P.S: It is the Holy Spirit who convinces us of the truth. Everything for the Church, which participates in the life of local churches, simply invites you to prioritize your times of worship, which are essential for your individual and collective development.

In the meantime, if, despite the airplane mode, you find it hard to resist, turn off your phone completely!



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